The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries commenced a consultation process for a possible employer policy to mandate COVID-19 vaccination on Wednesday 12 January.
Staff in the department have been given the opportunity to provide feedback by close of business 27 January.
Together delegates and officials met with the employer to discuss the proposal on Thursday 13 January and there will be further meetings about the proposal will be occurring during the consultation process.
Together members have been balloted on their views on a possible vaccination mandate within the Department since December and this ballot process will be used to determine the Together policy on this proposed mandate. The ballot of Together members will now close on 27 January in line with the departmental consultation process.
The proposed mandate is based on a risk assessment and a categorisation of staff into two distinct groups. The Together analysis of the proposed policy is that is would require a mandate for all employees except possibly some staff who permanently are working from home and perhaps some instances where staff are working alone with limited or no contact with other staff or the public.
Delegates will be meeting over the next two weeks to review the details of the proposed policy while the membership ballot continues.